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360 Degree Panorama: High-Detail Shots of New York, New Zealand, and Elsewhere!

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Today’s topic is a very interesting one, and it is something that is worth playing around with yourself! We all like taking pictures, but rarely do we look at pictures other people take, unless they have some spectacular quality to them. Today I will introduce you to gigapixel panoramas: highly detailed, 360 degree shots of big cities! In one of these pictures, you can clearly read billboards from up to eight kilometers away!

This is one of the most detailed pictures in the world. This shot was taken on the Empire State Building in New York, and you can find Statue of Liberty, One World Trade Center, Williamsburg Bridge and many other buildings this city is famous for. You could zoom in on the horizon for a very long time and still see lots of details. This shot offers a complete 360 degree view of the city, allowing you to explore in any direction!

This shot was taken in 2014, so it doesn’t capture as much detail, but if you compare them closely together you won’t be able to tell much difference.

And this one is gorgeous, too! This gigapixel picture was taken in Auckland, the capital of New Zealand. It’s easy to see the numbers of nearby cars and the brand of people’s shoes. This same website also hosts high-detail panoramic views from other places all over the world—a great thing to explore when you want a new perspective!


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