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Also in STEM News

Can't get enough of STEM? Here are a few more interesting STEM topics for you to peruse:

Detachable lizard tails are pretty mundane things, but have you ever wondered what keeps them from popping off when a lizard isn't in danger? As it turns out, a rather complex structural system helps keep the tail in place when it is still needed. This article spills the details on this fascinating piece of animal architecture for those of you who'd like to know more.

Say what? As it turns out, one of the key ingredients in sugar-free gum, xylitol, helps boost oral health, which, in turn, boosts the overall health of pregnant women. While not a complete preventative, it is an interesting way to potentially reduce preterm births in areas that lack good oral hygiene. Check out this article if you'd like to know more about the study and see the raw numbers involved.

Pure water--and water in general--has some very interesting properties that make it a great medium for sustaining life on Earth. These properties can have some interesting interactions with one another, as this article demonstrates by showcasing some interesting ice patterns.

Didn't get enough dinosaurs from this week's post? Check out this quick article that dives into some potential fossil evidence for the influence of illness on a dinosaur's bones.


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