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Autistic Superpowers

Research shows that autistic people have stronger memory capacities, which enables them to excel in several fields.


For today’s article, I decided to focus on autism. To many people, autism is a negative aspect. However, research shows that autistic people have stronger memory capacities. This has enabled several autistic children and adults to develop incredible skills that most non-autistic people can only dream about. In order to truly understand how much autistic children can do, I have included three very different examples of successful people.

The video’s description: “At age two, Jake Barnett was diagnosed with autism and his future was unclear. Now at age 13, Jake is a college sophomore and a math and science prodigy. Jake says his autism is key to his success.”

As the description says, “Chi Ling is autistic and has limited verbal communication, but many say he is a musical genius.” Mr. Ling was 26 years old at the time of the video and an award-winning pianist. He can play 9 different instruments. Surprisingly, Ling was diagnosed at the age of 21, but that didn’t stop him from continuing his passion.

There are many forms of autism. The person in this video has savant syndrome. Here is the video’s description: “Stephen Wiltshire is British architectural artist who is one of the most famous autistic artists in the world. After flying just once over a City in a helicopter, Stephen can draw the entire cityscape from memory on a 13-foot canvas. Diagnosed with autism at age three, Stephen Wiltshire is now famous for producing highly detailed scenes after just a brief glance. Savant syndrome, is a condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities, demonstrates certain abilities far in excess of average. The skills at which savants excel, are generally related to memory. This may include rapid math calculations, artistic ability, map making, or musical ability.”

Of course, there are many more artists and scientists that have autism. Some have made it to the finals of some talent shows. Autism might limit people’s social skills, but it sure empowers them in other aspects of life.


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