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Bessie Coleman, Ionization of Gravitational Atoms - New Ultralight Particles, & Nash Equilibrium

Have you ever heard of Bessie Coleman? She was a determined woman that chose to pursue her passions. Here is the description of the video: "Explore how Bessie Coleman became the first female black pilot and the first African American to hold an international license to fly in this digital short from Unladylike2020." This video is a 9-minute-long biography of Bessie Coleman.

Found in the article, "Black holes are generally thought to swallow all forms of matter and energy surrounding them. It has long been known, however, that they can also shed some of their mass through a process called superradiance... When mass is extracted from a black hole via superradiance, it forms a large cloud around the black hole, creating a so-called gravitational atom. Despite the immensely larger size of a gravitational atom, the comparison with sub-microscopic atoms is accurate because of the similarity of the black hole plus its cloud with the familiar structure of ordinary atoms, where clouds of electrons surround a core of protons and neutrons."

Why are all the fast food restaurants near one another? This is a question asked by many people on a daily basis. To answer this question, it is helpful to look at Nash Equilibrium. Surprisingly, this is a concept that is used in many aspects of our lives today and most businesses use it to increase their benefits. Read more about it in the article linked above.


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