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C/2022 E3 ZTF

Discovered in March of 2022, the comet called C/2022 E3 or ZTF crossed our solar system February 1st of 2023. Just a little under a year after its discovery we got to see this bright green comet sail over Earth, and with the naked eye nonetheless. When it was first discovered, the astronomers were unsure about its identity, thinking at first that it was an asteroid. Once the orbit became better defined and the presence of a tail was confirmed, it was officially named a comet. They defined it by looking at 5 different images taken about three and a half minutes apart. Overall, it was its orbit that allowed the researchers to classify it as a comet. After it was reported to the Minor Planet Center, they were able to better define its orbit and they were able to recognize that it was coming from outside of the solar system along with learning more about it.

It was discovered by astronomers Bryce Bolin and Frank Masci at the Zwicky Transient Facility on March 2nd. When it was discovered it had an apparent magnitude, or brightness, of about 17.3. For comparison, the limit of magnitude that the naked eye can see is a 6, a full moon is about a -12.6, and at its brightest, Mars is a -3. By November 2022 it had a brightness of 10. Its color is a greenish hue with a yellow tail. The greenness is likely due to diatomic carbon present in the comet. According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab this comet has not been seen since the Upper Paleolithic period, which would have been at least 10,000 years ago. So, enjoy the view while you can, because it will not be visible for about another 50,000 years!


Lea, Robert. “Possible naked-eye comet will visit Earth for 1st time since Neanderthals in 2023.”, January 2nd, 2023,

“C/2022 E3 (ZTF).” January 18th, 2023,

Tingley, Brett. “Bright green comet a rare ‘messenger’ from the outer reaches of our solar system,' astronomers say.”, January 13th, 2023,


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