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Light || Slow-Motion View of Propagation, Double Slit Experiment, & Photoelectric Effect

This week’s recommendations are all based on light. Light is a complex topic. It shows both wave-like characteristics and particle-like characteristics. If you previously were unaware of this, I recommend doing some research. Experiments have been done that prove the duality. I have included three videos below that can help your research. Not all of the are about the wave-particle duality, but they are all about light and bound to increase your knowledge of it.

Description of Video: MIT Media Lab researchers have created a new imaging system that can acquire visual data at a rate of one trillion frames per second. That's fast enough to produce a slow-motion video of light traveling through objects.

Talk about advancements in technology, this new technology has so many uses in multiple fields including medicine and the military.

Video description: Light is so common that we rarely think about what it really is. But just over two hundred years ago, a groundbreaking experiment answered the question that had occupied physicists for centuries. Is light made up of waves or particles?

Video description: This is a demonstration of the photoelectric effect. In the photoelectric effect, electrons are emitted from a metal when light is shone on it, providing that the photon energy is greater than the work function of the metal (i.e., the amount of energy needed to rip an electron away from its atom). This demo is really fussy about humidity, so it often doesn't work, and the video is a cut from more than one take due to some misbehavior with the experiment. But still, it worked better than it often does.


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