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Most powerful telescope sent to space! | James Webb Telescope

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

On the 25th of December, 2021, at 12:20 UTC, the James Webb telescope was launched. It was developed by NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency starting in 1996. Over the years, the project has come to cost $10 billion dollars. The telescope is set to be flying for 29 days, collecting as much information as it can about the early stars.

It is often said that the stars we see today might no longer exist because of the time it took their light to reach the planet. Many of the earliest stars are believed to no longer be visible in our night sky. However, scientists believe they might have left some weak radiation marks that are not in the human visible spectrum. The James Webb telescope was designed to detect these invisible radiations and map out ancient stars. The telescope is so powerful, it will be able to detect the position of stars from 19 billion years ago. With this kind of mapping system, scientist hope to learn more about the Big Bang and potentially answer many questions about the stars’ origin.

The goals of the mission do not end here. Scientists have two other main objectives, NASA explains. The first is to compare the ancient galaxies to the modern galaxies. The second is to study planets and bodies outside our galaxy. Since the telescope detects infrared radiation, it can see past the dust clouds. This allows it to see planets outside our galaxy and analyze them in depth. Essentially, the space agencies hope to learn more about the habitats in neighboring galaxies to identify atmospheres that can support life and to search for signs of extraterrestrial organisms.

Visit the NASA website for constant updates on the trip!



This cite includes a variety of facts about the telescope now. It includes the distance from earth, the temperatures, the speed, etc. Check it out for a live update on the telescope.

Missed the launch and wished you could have seen it? This source is the recording of the launch. It includes some interviews, some information about the telescope and video coverage of the takeoff.

Scientists on Earth receive the telescope’s data through a large antenna. This antenna was not deployed before launch to keep it protected. The article talks about the successful deployment and some of the data that will be sent to Earth.

The ABC article covers the main information about the telescope. From the history to its purposes, all the general information can be learned after the quick read. It also includes some fascinating facts like the fact that the telescope will orbit nearly 1 million miles from Earth!

The NASA article talks about the orbit of the telescope. It also includes a short video explanation. One of the advantages of reading this article is understanding the magnitude of the telescope’s distance from Earth. NASA included some great comparisons to give readers a sense of the distance it will travel.

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