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Orcas, Inventions of the 1950s, and the Hormones of Affection

Interested in knowing more, read or watch the articles or videos linked below. These are outside resources we recommend you check out to expand your knowledge.

The article’s introduction: Small everyday gestures such as a tap on the shoulder can affect the way humans feel and act. Touch can have a calming effect and alter the way stress is handled, thereby promoting mental and physical health. Due to current technological advances and the growing role of intelligent robots in households and healthcare, recent research also addressed the potential of robotic touch for stress reduction. In addition, touch by non-human agents such as animals or inanimate objects may have a calming effect. This conceptual article will review a selection of the most relevant studies reporting the physiological, hormonal, neural, and subjective effects of touch on stress, arousal, and negative affect.

Orcas are very complex animals. Scientists have studied their calls for a long time. To this day, we do not know what each call means, but their language is specific and structured. In fact, each pod, or group of orcas, has a unique dialect of the language.

“Here’s a List of 20 Inventions in the 1950s [Inventors Included]”

The article’s introduction: The end of World War II was more disturbing and didn’t offer many positives to most countries. Still, the existence of the Industrial Revolution, and that of great minds in the making, paved the way for technology to continue further. Inventions in the 1950s speak volumes of what we know as the modern world today as the decade has many beneficial inventions.


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