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Planes; Misinformation with Elizabeth Loftus at the Nobel Prize Summit; James Harrison & Anti-D

I recently watched a plane make a white streak across the sky. I didn’t think much of it, but later that day, I spotted another plane that wasn’t making a streak across the sky. So then, why had the first plane left a mark? Why had the second one not left a mark? What even was the mark? I was glad to find the answer to all these questions in the video above.

Politics, social media, businesses, reputation, and celebrities-- these are some of the many things that have power in our society. Is it possible to manipulate our perception of them? Here is the video’s description: “Elizabeth Loftus, psychologist and distinguished professor, University of California, Irvine, takes the audience at the Nobel Prize Summit 2023 inside the effect misinformation has on our brains, including the limits of human memory.”

James Harrison: Anti-D Program

Not long ago, I read an article about a man named James Harrison. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did. Here is the begging of the article: “On Friday 11 May 2018 James made his last blood donation, having helped save the babies of more than 2 million Australian women. The 81 year-old has a precious antibody in his blood that is used to make a lifesaving medication called Anti-D, given to mothers whose blood is at risk of attacking their unborn babies.”


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