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Self-Healing Roman Concrete; World's Oldest Bridges; & Lake Moeris Quarry Road (Oldest Paved Road)

You may have studied or heard that ancient structures are surprisingly durable. We often hear of ruins to visit and constructions to preserve. For years, scientists believed that construction materials were the primary reason for the durability of ancient projects. However, a recent study reveals that there was more to the secret, specifically, to the ancient Roman concrete. Check out the article to learn more about self-healing concrete. That’s right! The Romans had developed concrete that repaired itself.

Speaking of old constructions, this is an article that talks about the 10 oldest bridges in the world. Some of them are in great condition. In fact, there are even some that are still in use! Personally, I am fond of the Tarr Steps. Although the bridge looks a little like arranged pick-up sticks, it is a strong bridge, potentially over 300 years old, and still in use.

To conclude our ancient structures-themed resource recommendation. Above is the link to a very short description of the oldest paved road in the world. If you only have a couple of minutes to read today’s articles, I recommend you check out the Lake Moeris Quarry Road.


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