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Technology, Robots, and Sony Cars

Check out some fascinating robots that work with Rubix cubes to complete various functions. Several of these robots can solve the Rubix cube in less than a minute. Some can simulate a hand solving the Rubix cube. There is even a cube that can solve itself while levitating!

Above is a pdf version of an article on The Economist. The article mentions and describes some impressive technologies and discoveries that will become a reality in the near future. Some of these discoveries/technologies include vaccines for HIV and malaria, 3-D printed bone implants, flying electric taxis, and 3-D printed houses.

This article talks about Sony’s plans to open a company that will develop the Vision-S 02. This car is said to be semi-automated through the use of 40 sensors and cameras. The car includes multiple screens to entertain the passengers. It is even said that built-in speakers are found in the car seats as an “immersive” feature.


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