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The Future is...Now? | A Brief Introduction to Quantum Computers

In the moment, it can be difficult to predict how technology will evolve. It’s very easy to feel as though we have reached the peak of our technological prowess–that the only upgrades left to us are minor improvements on the same basic formula. However, if the drastic technological revolution that has occurred in the past three decades isn’t enough proof on its own that unforeseen change is always around the corner, the next forward step in our technological journey is already upon us. And what does that drastic next step look like? Well, it looks like a computer.

Sort of.

The step to which I am referring is none other than the quantum computer, a form of computer which is designed to utilize the properties of quantum physics to run calculations and simulations in a way that is simultaneously more efficient and leagues faster than even the most advanced supercomputers currently available. In order to understand how such a drastic leap could even be possible, we must first stop to consider (in layman’s terms, of course) a few properties of computers and quantum physics which enable quantum computers to make significant improvements on our current technology.

As it stands, traditional computers run on two basic units which are collectively referred to as “bits.” These bits have a fixed value that can be either a zero or a one, and these values can be arranged in such a way that they can serve as the basis for complex processes. The binary nature of bits allows them to be compiled into structures called “gates” which encode increasingly complicated messages. A basic gate may be activated by a “1” bit or inactivated by a “0.” A more complex gate may require certain results from multiple gates to become active, like having three of five connected gates be active. These gate interactions form the basis for the calculations and circuitry that fill modern machines. However, the capacity of these systems are limited; they can be shrunk down to incredibly tiny sizes to create faster machines, but there are hard limits on how small they can be. If they get too small, quantum properties begin to interfere with the binary system, allowing gates to become active without the proper trigger or bypassing gate systems entirely. Because of this, we are quickly approaching the limits of what we can do with “traditional” computer technology—and becoming more acquainted with the idea of quantum computing.

Instead of relying on a fixed and quantum-vulnerable system of binary bits, quantum computers rely on singular units called “qubits.” Qubits, due to the nature of quantum physics, exist in a state where they can code for multiple values. In the terms of normal bits, that would mean a qubit can be a “0” and a “1” at the exact same time. The value of a qubit is pinned down the moment it is “observed” (interacted with by other particles), allowing it to function as either a “0” or a “1” in the moment. Whole systems of qubits can also become connected to one another in such a way that observing one qubit to pin down its value reveals the value of any “attached” qubits as well. These sorts of relationships can form the building blocks of more complex interactions which, as you may already be able to see, resemble normal gate-based circuitry. What makes qubits so powerful is that their values can flex and be reconfigured, allowing more calculations to be completed in a shorter span of time. This property is what allows qubits to create truly “random” sequences of numbers when no other form of technology can.

Though quantum computers have been in the works for a while, they have recently hit some major developmental milestones that make it clearer than ever how much of a splash they could soon have on the technological scene. In the closing months of 2020, the first commercially available quantum computer, Quantinuum’s (formerly Honeywell’s) H1 model, hit the market. Instead of attempting to provide quantum computer hardware, which is bulky and difficult to maintain, Quantinuum hooked their high-powered H1 model up to a cloud service through which subscribers could send computation prompts and receive the computer’s response in return. This marked the first time in the history of quantum computation that public subscribers and nonaffiliated corporations could access a quantum computer’s software without intricate ties to the handful of companies working on quantum computation technology—a truly momentous leap forward for the technological sciences.

However, I wouldn’t get your wallets out just yet. Quantum computers, though rapidly advancing, are still very much in their infancy. The peculiar, often unpredictable, nature of quantum physics means that computers based on quantum principles must face a number of challenges to produce accurate data. The technology is certainly evolving, but the advanced medical simulations and impossible math equations quantum computers are slated to someday address are currently far beyond even the advanced H1 model. It will take a great deal of research, revision, and refinement for quantum computers to truly outpace their mundane counterparts, but there’s no denying that the first steps are already in place for this weird and wonderful technology to soon take center stage. Whether you’re a technology fanatic or a more casual consumer, it would be prudent to keep your eyes on the news to see precisely how the quantum computing saga continues to unfold in the following weeks, months, and years. More than likely, you’ll be watching the development of our generation’s greatest technological advancement.


Sources & Further Reading

This video (produced by the YouTube channel Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell) offers a straightforward and entertaining overview of quantum computation. The video is older (and so doesn’t address some of the recent progress made on quantum computers), but it serves as a great starting point for those interested in quantum technology.

This article in the Investopedia offers a great breakdown of quantum computers and some of the terms associated with them. It contains a lot of information on other leading producers and models of quantum computer as well as descriptions of the future outlook of quantum computers. Most major technology companies who are working on quantum computers assert that they’ll have high-functioning models by 2030!

This video, posted alongside a text transcript, is probably the most “advanced” description of quantum computing available without crossing the line into incomprehensibility. It does a great job of breaking down the aims and failings of quantum computers as well as the actual technology (hardware) at work behind them.

This article details the specific quantum computer referenced in this article, the Quantinuum/Honeywell H1 model. It also goes into detail on some of the more recent events surrounding quantum computers, such as Google’s claim to have reached “quantum supremacy” (a state in which quantum computers concretely function better than normal computers).

Don’t let the title of this article fool you–it’s a glimpse at a form of quantum computing that ordinary people like you and me could make great use out of! Because quantum computers are capable of generating truly random sequences of digits, they are capable of creating the most advanced encryption keys available on the market today.


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