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The Ramanujan Summation; The Riemann Hypothesis; & The Guinness World Record Domino Robot

Srinivasa Ramanujan

Some mathematicians believe that the sum of all positive integers is -1/12. Also known as the Ramanujan Summation, this sum was discovered by Srinivasa Ramanujan. Using some simple arithmetic calculations, he demonstrated that the positive integers not only add up to a finite number, but this sum is also negative! Interestingly enough, the result of the calculation has been successfully used in real-life scenarios, which would suggest that he was not wrong! In a future post, I will share some explanations for this in French.

Bernhard Riemann

Since we are already into a mathematic mentality, let's look at another strange discovery. This time, however, the person that can find the proof can win 1 million dollars. Its name is the Riemann Hypothesis. Watch the video for an explanation of the hypothesis and its utility.

After two videos full of mathematical information, how about we look at a fun aspect of science?

Here is a snippet from the transcript of the video: "It's taken five years to get to this point, but according to our initial tests, we have hopes that he (the domino robot) might be more than ten times faster than the fastest human. Today, we're going to put him to the test, going head-to-head against the world's foremost domino expert ... then we're going to attempt a Guinness world record. He's going to try and fill this entire warehouse with a mural of a hundred thousand dominoes. For context, setting up a domino mural that size would take a team of seven skill builders and one full week."

The video goes over the process that was taken to build this robot and the capabilities it now has.


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