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Virtual Reality: New Generation of Innovation

Virtual reality has become a new craze amongst the youth of today. It is used for gaming and fun. But, what other applications could this new technology bring to our world?

Virtual reality is exactly what the name says, virtual things made to look like reality. Many times it is in the form of a headset that you wear which puts a screen in front of your eyes and allows you to move around and interact with the environment on the screen.

VR can be used in many ways to improve our world. It can be used to create and use effective training strategies in high-risk fields like the military, space exploration, and medicine. VR can recreate situations that would be almost impossible to do without the real thing. Fighting situations, emergencies, and even tough environmental challenges can be faced through the technology of virtual reality.

It can be used for educational purposes. We can create virtual field trips, learning experiences, and practical applications for what students are learning. You can tour places that are miles away such as, museums in France, the Great Wall of China, and even places in space or underground. We can help students to use what they learn in practical situations that would be hard to simulate in a classroom. It can even be used to connect students who study online or are homeschooled and allow them the same experiences as in-person students.

As we can see VR is not just a fun toy for the teens of this generation. It can be used in every part of life to improve our jobs, education systems, and much, much more.



What is Virtual Reality (VR)? - Applications of Virtual Reality

We’ve all dived into the world of the Matrix with Thomas Anderson and strolled through the X-Men Danger Room, the fictional training facility that was a virtual reincarnation of the X-mansion. Little did we reckon that the technology in these sci-fi movies might not be as far-fetched as we’d expected.

Top 5 uses for VR in learning and development

Virtual reality is gaining popularity in various HR arenas, and learning and development may be a particularly good fit for the technology because VR can, at times, provide more realistic training, which could improve employees' overall work performance.

Virtual Reality: another world within sight

When we talk about Virtual Reality (VR), many of us think of science fiction films like 'Minority Report'. However, the truth is that nowadays, this technology completely blends in with our daily lives. Video games, medicine, education... Virtual Reality is here to stay. But what is it exactly?


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